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Second Street Children’s School Endowment
Safeguard the future of Second Street Children’s School through our partnership with Jewish Philanthropies of Southern Arizona.
Julia Butler Scholarship for Single Working Parents
We offer an in-house partial scholarship to qualified applicants. This is a need-based first come, first serve scholarship which benefits up to 3 recipients per year. This scholarship is based on yearly successful fundraising. Please get in touch with us if you are interested in donating to or learning more about this scholarship.
Arizona Private School Tax Credit Scholarships.
We participate in the Institute for Better Education (IBE) private school tax credit scholarship program. This tax contribution is a dollar-for-dollar credit on your state taxes, NOT a deduction. If you are a taxpayer in Arizona, you may direct your gift toward Second Street Children's School and help support the children in our kindergarten program. Scholarships are offered through IBE on a need basis. As a taxpayer, you can also donate to a particular student at the school. However, you cannot recommend your own dependent.